Melbourne Building Inspections Eltham area

We having a saying about Eltham and the surrounding areas and that is “if you haven’t found any termites you’re just not looking hard enough” Dampness, drainage issues and termites are problems in Eltham Home Inspections. If the Eltham home you are looking to buy at has an older bathroom there is a good chance that there are leaks that are not visible and therefore rot is in the floor.

Homes in Eltham, Watsonia, Bundoora and the surrounding areas of Melbourne need a thorough property and pest inspection because of the dampness and age of most houses.

All homes eventually leak or have drainage problems so it’s just a matter of knowing what these problems are when performing a pre-purchase home inspection in the Eltham area.

If you are buying a home in Eltham or looking at bidding at a home auction in Eltham, then we can provide local knowledge and an excellent property report including photos and phone support.

If you are buying a unit or an apartment in Eltham then problems encountered there is usually poor waterproofing of the ceiling’s or floors of the bathrooms and other areas or safety issues relating to materials used in the building.

Our home building, apartment and high-rise inspections will thoroughly check your property including the exterior, the interior, the roof void, the roof exterior and the subfloor. In fact, we will be checking over 250 items in your Eltham home building inspection. We have performed over six thousand building inspections in Melbourne and a great deal of property inspections in Eltham, Heidelberg and East Kew so we do have specialist knowledge in this area.

Building problems with your Eltham home 

We will advise you of any major or minor structural defects, maintenance issues and future potential problems. As experienced builders, renovators and home inspectors, we will provide you with a cost estimate for building faults that need to be repaired

These cost estimates will give you strong bargaining power for a straight Eltham home purchase or excellent background knowledge prior to bidding at a home auction in Eltham.

Eltham timber pest home inspections (Termites)

We are qualified, accredited and insured Pest Inspectors. Our timber pest inspection covers:
Termites, Borers, Wood Rots & Fungal Decays. Our test will identify if a building is affected from timber pests and identify if there is any visible timber pest damage.

For bookings and enquiries call Chris on 0498 704255 or email us.

Things to look for in a Melbourne Building Inspection.
BalwynBox HillBurwoodCamberwell, DoncasterEltham, Footscray, Greensborough, Heidelberg,  Hoppers CrossingIvanhoeMeltonPoint CookRingwood, Templestowe,